Author: admin

  • August Update

    I am not currently updating this website. For more up to date information please visit our website August 2016 Our Next Assignment Begins…  It is with great excitement and expectation that we can finally announce that we are launching into our next God-given assignment. During this past month we completed the Missionary Preparation Training with Go…

  • July Update

    July 2016 Exciting Opportunities Ahead!…  As we write this month’s update we are currently travelling in England and Wales, catching up with family and friends. We flew back to the UK on the 12th July for Julie to visit her Consultant on the 13th and for us to celebrate our Daughter Tasha graduating from her…

  • June Update

    June Update

    June 2016 Following God’s Plan… Wow! What a month we have had! After spending the majority of the first four months of the year in recovery mode, we are so thankful for the opportunity to be able to travel and take steps towards our next ministry assignment. One thing we know for sure is that…

  • May Update

    May 2016 Steps of Faith… What do you do when your future plans are squashed and what seemed like the perfect pathway ahead gets blocked? This has been one of the big questions on our hearts for the past month! Proverbs 3:5,6 says, ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on…

  • April Update

    April 2016 A Good Report! We are so thankful that we can start this month’s update with great news! Julie’s recovery from the Chemo/Radiotherapy has gone really well. Following the last day of treatment in early March she had a few challenging weeks, but her skin has now healed and she is almost back to…

  • March Update

    March Update

    March 2016 Love is in the air…  February provided some great opportunities to celebrate our relationship and marriage. Even with Julie’s treatment in full flow, it was good to take some time out to celebrate Valentine’s Day and our 17th Wedding Anniversary by going for a meal in one of our favorite West Country restaurants. Our current…

  • February Update

    February 2016 Treatment Begins We really don’t want this month’s newsletter to be about hospital visits and Julie’s Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy, but quite honestly, in reality, this has consumed our past month. It feels as though we have been living at Bristol Oncology Centre and driving back to stay at our friend’s house to sleep…

  • January Update

    January 2016 Change of Plans We take this opportunity early in the New Year to update you on some important unexpected ch anges to our immediate plans. We expected to be writing to you in this latest Newsletter to let you know about how our move to Dallas is going. As planned we returned home…

  • December update

    December 2015 Merry Christmas With less than a week to go until Christmas Day, we take this opportunity to wish all our family and friends around the world a blessed, peaceful Christmas and a prosperous New Year! Thank you to all those who have taken time to support and encourage us over the past 12 months.…

  • November Update

    November 2015 Miraculous Approval! We shared in our October update that Christ For The Nations had submitted visa petitions to the US Immigration Department in order to get preapproval of our work permits so we could obtain our R1 Religious worker visas to be employed at the Bible College in January 2016. These visas usually…